International Day Of The Forests thoughts

Last Saturday, March 21st, was International Day Of The Forest and The Tree that has been promoted by the United Nations and this year was the second year it was celebrated.

During this day we visited two forests and a garden of trees in Moray, Scotland, though one of the forests has the attraction of lots of water and interesting rocks too.
Though these are not total tree pics I thought I would scatter the pics here with thoughts about this tree day.
The above is a giant cedar within the Logie Farm Garden but below starts some pics from Randolph's Leap

Everyone seems to be aware that we need forests, but we insist on cutting them down and replacing them with rapid-growth non-native trees.

Lessons from flooding and loss of biodiversity have still not been learned.

The loss of oxygen and gain in carbon dioxide is still denied and challenged by many people.

This day is one of the most important of all of the international days because of the reliance that humans and wildlife place on the natural forest community and today, the individual tree, too!

Some kind of scrub or forest still covers 30% of land with 60,000 different tree species. Up to 70% of plant and animal species live there, but it is said we lose 100 species every day, as forests are cleared at a daily rate of 10,000 square km per day.

1.6 billion people rely on direct contact with forests for their livelihood.
Timber industries, agriculture, mining and building development for human settlement account for most losses.
To recover our carbon, the oxygen we breathe and those magic places we crave, we all really need to plant something every day.

The forest we went to in the afternoon was Culbin, a fascinating forest planted to hold back vast sand dunes that through a storm would bury cottages. Today, this forest, mainly Scots Pine ans Birch has transformed the once barren vast land into a stable fertile bio diverse area


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